119 – 120 Friargate, Preston

Partially Let Investment Property

Offers over £395,000


The premises are situated fronting Friargate close to its junction with Marsh Lane, in the centre of Preston.

Friargate provides the primary link between the city centre and the main campus of the University of Central Lancashire which is located approximately 200 metres from the subject property. Friargate has also recently benefitted from pedestrianisation works and significant improvements to the street scene and accommodates a range of retailers and service providers.


The property comprises a three-storey mid-terraced building of conventional brickwork construction.

Internally, at ground floor level the premises provide a retail unit which is currently used as a restaurant and has a seating and customer facing sales area to the front with preparation area and kitchen behind. Additional storage is provided within the basement.

The first and second floors accommodate a residential maisonette with each floor being self-contained and comprising 4 bedsitting rooms, communal living room, kitchen and 2 no shower rooms and WCs on each floor. One bedroom on each floor has the benefit of its own en-suite shower.

There is a secure enclosed yard to the rear of the property which provides access to the upper floors and is accessed from Claytons Gate, the adjacent alleyway

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Location Pin Sat Nav Ref: PR1 2EE