25 and 27 Fishergate, Preston
Prominent Retail Premises
286.5 m² ( 3,084 ft² ) — 1,500.4 m² ( 16,150 ft² )
Rental on application

The premises are prominently situated fronting Fishergate at its junction with Guildhall Street in the centre of Preston. Fishergate is the main retail thoroughfare in the city with nearby occupiers including Marks and Spencer, Next, WH Smith, Halifax, Bodycare and River Island. The city’s main shopping centre, St Georges, is also located opposite.
The property currently accommodates two separate retail units over ground and first floors, together with ancillary accommodation on the second floor above 27 Fishergate. The units are available separately or as whole and can be interconnected internally.
25 Fishergate presently provides sales to the ground floor with staff and storage to the upper level and benefits from a corner position with a return to Guildhall Street. 27 Fishergate provides extensive retail accommodation over both ground and first floors with ancillary accommodation at both first and second floor level.
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Sat Nav Ref: PR1 3NN