308 Station Road, Bamber Bridge, Preston
Ground Floor Retail Shop
78.23 m² ( 842 ft² )
Offers in the region of £125,000

The premises are located in a prominent and visible position fronting Station Road at its junction with Smithy Street on the fringe of Bamber Bridge’s district centre.
Bamber Bridge lies approximately 3 miles to the south west of Preston City Centre.
Nearby occupiers include Auto Save Motor Workshop, Hyde Flooring, Lofthouse Motor Services and Everlasting Ink Tattoo Studio.
The property comprises the ground floor of a two storey detached property benefiting from uPVC double glazed display windows to the front elevation.
Internally the premises provide open plan sales accommodation together with a partitioned preparation area and WC/kitchen facility to the rear.
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Sat Nav Ref: PR5 6EH